There’s no better time to explore the liberating world of cordless makeup tools and devices than right now. From cordless hair dryers to portable airbrush systems, I’ll discuss the pros and cons of going cordless and share with you some top picks for your makeup kit. If you’re curious about cutting the cord and embracing a more mobile approach to your makeup routine, then stay tuned for some valuable insights and product recommendations. Let’s go!
going cordless – best choices for your makeup kit

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In This Episode We Cover:
- Embracing cordless makeup tools can enhance your efficiency and mobility on the job.
- Investing in portable and rechargeable devices can really change the way you approach your makeup work. And give you a greater sense of convenience and flexibility.
- Exploring cordless options opens up a world of possibilities for safer, more versatile, and creative makeup applications, ultimately elevating your professional practice.
Episode 68: Show notes

I was doing a makeup recently, one that involved 4 of us, and we were not only attempting to dance awkwardly around one another, but hairdryer cables, airbrush hoses, shoelaces, it was a cacophony of creativity as we navigated this process for the first time.
And it dawned on me – what if all these products were cordless?
Because in this very time that you and I happen to be alive, they exist, right?
My husband introduced me to a cordless hairdryer a couple of years back. I have been a vocal fan and proponent of a low-cost portable airbrush that I love.
But why not attempt to go all in cordless? And be portable?
So I decided to take a peek at the pros and cons of going cordless and share my pick of the best cordless and 100% portable options that can help make your working life a little more easy. Or lets just say a little more worksafe as well. So professional makeup artists take note.
Why Is Going Cordless A Good Idea in Makeup?
Lets do quick pulse check on why cutting the cord is a grand idea and something you should definitely keep in the back of your mind, if you’re still tied, emotionally or at the very least by the actual cords themselves of your electrical devices you use in your makeups.
First of all, its altogether convenient, right? You can do the dance you can even pirouette with your cordless hairdryer or airbrush – se easy to get around and not feel like you’re in the way. I constantly feel that – is it just me or do you always feel in the way, and when you try to be out of the way, youre even more in the way!
The mobility is freeing, and removes that sense of limitation that comes from being tethered to where your source of power comes from.
There’s also a huge sense of versatility isnt there, because you are now not reliant on power – we’ve all been in the trailer when it loses power, right? Good news – your little battery-operated so-and-so is gonna keep going while the lights are off
And you can bring in your selfie light to guide you.
While we’re on the matter, the safety issue is important to address – cords are totally trip hazards and by getting rid of them altogether you remove that as an epic safety risk – I have trouble not falling over at the best of times, let alone with cords and cables decorating the lower half of the room like its the week after NYE – party’s over folks and its time for the cords and cables to come down.
So going cordless is freeing and gives you complete mobility in a way we’ve never really seen before
But like everything in life, there’s always a down side, and of course removing power from your makeup tools and devices is no exception
The Downsides to Going Cordless as a Makeup Artist
What are the most obvious downsides you can think of to cordless or battery-operated devices we use in makeup?
Time Management for Charging
The first one that comes to my mind is something that I just mentioned – battery operated – you have to think ahead a little bit dont you – so if you have trouble charging your phone at night, well, battery-operated airbrushes or hairdryers might not be your strong suit.
This leads me to another thought – if time management is not your forte, then this is definitely worthy of pondering – because heaven forbid you’re halfway through your full body paint makeup and your airbrush runs out of power – what do you do?
Sure you can always have two devices, and cross your fingers that the second one has enough charge to get you through.So there are ways around it, but it all comes down to you doesn’t it.
Charging Takes Time
Still on the topic of time and time management – is the actual charging time – which is very much worth considering.
Because these toys do have decent charging times, so it is worth factoring that into your day – and being aware that you have to.
Again, if time management isnt your strong suit, then cordless might be a hard pass for you.
And then there’s the notion of actual power that your cordless device gives out – because in general, battery-operated gadgets do tend to be less powerful than electrical ones – and if you’re at all familiar with any of the cordless hairdryers doing the rounds you’ll know full well that the heat options are well, slightly off-cold at best – which for you and me using air to dry glue in a prosthetic makeup, or setting a sealer or something like that, that might not be too big a deal, but if you’re using it to heat style hair, well, you might have to cut the cord on cordless.
There’s definitely a lot to consider when it comes to considering cordless – and for me, if I’ve got all my ducks in a row, its an absolute time saver, and has been well worthy of exploring.
And for the right makeup application, it is a must.
Best Cordless and Portable Products for Makeup
Let’s take a look at some specific products that you might be interested in grabbing if you’re open to going cordless and portable.
The airbrush is an interesting one – Amazon is elbow-to-elbow full of affordable cordless and rechargeable airbush systems and some of the best airbrush makeup kits I have used would have to be the Autolock Portable Airbrush System which I have actually posted about a number of times before.
I’ve got 3 of them now, as I keep being somewhere and haven’t brought it, or thought that I would need it, and then I do.
For special effects makeup work, painting, and even hair work, these are fantastic – obviously you’re not going to get the super high level of detail you would get with your fancy Iwata Micron Precision airbrush, but you’re paying about a 10th of the price so there is a difference.
And you can actually modify certain different models of this type of airbrush system and for not only your own airbrush with fittings and adaptors, but with a pressure valve to give you control over your own pressure on the go too.
I havent had the time to do this yet, but will be soon, so I’ll report back and share with you how I go.
I’d also have to include the Temptu Airpod Pro makeup system.
I bought myself one of these sets years ago, after witnessing first-hand what gorgeous results it got on an actress with pigmentation challenges and textural areas on her face. The final makeup was stunning. For beauty work, photographic and even more avant garde a Temptu is a best seller for good reason.
I know I touched on hairdryers once or twice – I have a new cordless hairdryer I’m waiting to arrive from Amazon anyday now. Its called Yalice – and I’ll let you know how that works out – I am familiar and highly recommend the Lylux portable and cordless hairdryer that both come with a docking station for storage and a wall adapter while you charge.
Curling irons can be cordless – there are small gas powdered curling irons that are popular, and you could even go retro and bring back your Golden Supreme and pair it with your curling irons. Which I do feel have taken a plummet in popularity in recent years, with the growth of the exceptional and convenient Japanese curling irons from Hakko and Wivv which are my favorite brands, but they are very much attached to their cables.
A teeny tiny low heat alternative that I like to use, particularly for delicate hair punching work, is a heated eyelash curler, which is a dream for curling eyelashes on silicon dummies and heads, in special effects makeup. I’ll link to my favorite down below in the products mentioned section.
And while we’re talking tiny, you also have to give an honorable mention to our old friends, and much needed selfie lights and little tiny ring lights which work so well on a dark set, or night shoot, are perfect form low light continuity photos, and make working hands free very easy. I’ve been known to even clip them onto my makeup palette while I do touchups on set sometimes. So versatile and easy to whip out at a moment’s notice.
And another handy device is the battery-operated portable makeup mirror with built-in lights. So handy, again for on set work – if you have a performer who may want to apply their own lipstick, or gets something in their eye and wants to have a look, so easy. So dont overlook makeup mirrors either.
Portable hand fans are another must have and come complete with rechargeable battery – easy to recharge with usb cables they are usually provided with – perfect for hot location weather, drying things on set, and even standing in for your hairdryer in the trailer at a pinch, too.
And we can’t neglect the Ipad. While not a computer, I definitely consider this to fall under the portable and cordless umbrella as far as work tools go. For continuity, for spreadsheets and admin work on the go, a must and an easy fix if you dont want to lug your laptop all over.
Actually while we’re at it, have you checked out my spreadsheets yet? I have put together my favorite and most used spreadsheets as templates for you that you can find on my course and products and page – which is simply at and you’ll find all my different templates for everything from a script breakdown, to single character breakdown notes and a makeup artist contact list – all are fully customizable and use google sheets and docs to make your work so easy and time effective so check em out and save em for your next job.
Back to cordless – and again delving into more special effects territory, you can even get into some basic cordless tools such as the Dremel Lite Cordless and even cordless glue guns.
There really are endless options and ideas out there to help make your work easier, quicker, even safer in certain cases – so I hope these products and thoughts give you some food for thought, whether you can invest now, or in the future on your next job.
Because I truly believe there are so many benefits to working with cordless devices you may have to make some changes to your own habits, and evolve a little.
But that’s part of being in a creative line of work isn’t it?
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Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Professional Makeup Artist Templates for you
- Autolock Portable Airbrush Makeup System
- Iwata Micron Precision Airbrush
- Temptu Airpod Pro System
- Yalice Cordless Hairdryer
- Lylux Cordless Hairdryer
- Golden Supreme Curling Irons
- Hakko Curling Irons
- Wivv Curling Irons
- Selfie Light
- Ring Light
- Battery-operated portable mirror
- Portable Hand Fan
- iPad
- Dremel Lite Cordless Dremel Tool
- Cordless Glue Gun

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