This post is a little more personal as we dive into the topic of sensitivity and its surprising connection to strength, especially in the world of makeup. Join me as we uncover how being sensitive can make you a stronger makeup artist and a more resilient individual. So, grab your favorite makeup products and let’s discover the power of sensitivity in makeup artistry.
why being sensitive can make you stronger in makeup

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In This Episode We Cover:
- The notion that being emotionally sensitive can actually foster resilience.
- Sensitivity comes with a heightened sense of empathy, and lead to stronger relationships.
- High sensitivity can accompany a real depth of perception and creativity.
click here to read the transcript!
Episode 45: Show notes

This post is incredibly fascinating for me because it dives into the topic of sensitivity and how it can actually make you stronger, especially in this world of makeup.
When I was younger, being labeled as sensitive felt like a negative thing. I was often in an environment where strength was often equated with stoicism and endurance.
However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize that being sensitive isn’t a weakness at all.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite. And it has actually made me a better makeup artist.
Being sensitive often comes with a heightened sense of empathy. This means that you’re more likely to understand and appreciate other people’s perspectives and feelings.
As a makeup artist, this ability to empathize is invaluable. It can allow you to connect with your clients on a deeper level and truly understand their needs and desires.
By being sensitive, you can form stronger relationships and create a supportive network around you, which is so important in the makeup industry. Not only does sensitivity help you connect with others, but it also makes you more in tune with your very own emotions and those of others, too.
This heightened awareness enables better self-regulation and the ability to recognize and manage emotions effectively. This skill is priceless in a high-pressure environment like the world of makeup.
It can help you to address issues before they escalate and take proactive steps towards resolving them.
One misconception about sensitivity is that it equates to fragility.
However, I hope that this episode sheds light on how being sensitive actually foster resilience.
When you’re attuned to emotions, you can adapt more readily to change and bounce back from setbacks. In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of makeup artistry, this adaptability is a crucial component of resilience.
Sensitivity also often accompanies a real depth of perception and creativity.
As a makeup artist, being able to notice details and nuances that others may overlook is a powerful tool. It leads to innovative ideas and solutions, ultimately enhancing your work and allowing you to create unique and captivating looks for all of your clients or performers.
What strikes a chord with me the most is the notion that embracing sensitivity requires courage. It involves being open and vulnerable, and it takes strength to express emotions properly and authentically.
Learning to embrace sensitivity and vulnerability has fostered deeper connections and understandings with others, ultimately enhancing my work as a makeup artist. And I hope it does you as well.
So, to all my fellow sensitive souls out there, remember that being sensitive doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means that you experience the world in a unique and nuanced way.
Acknowledge and embrace your emotional awareness and empathy—they are powerful tools that make you stronger, especially in the world of makeup.
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Episode Transcript
[00:00:00]: This episode is a little different to pretty much every other episode I’ve created so far. I guess it’s because it’s getting a little more personal, but it’s something that’s close to my heart and I wanted to share this with you because it might just speak to you.
I think I was in my early 20s when I was first told that I was sensitive. And ironically, it cut like a knife. I’d been brought up to endure physical pain. It’s hard to describe, but I guess it just came out of many years of competitive dance, which will do wonders for that sensitivity. But that’s an episode for another day or another lifetime.
[00:00:48]: But being sensitive was something that I never really entertained existed in myself. I thought I was tough, but as I got older, I understood more what that actually meant. And yes, I am super sensitive to my surrounds.
My senses are fairly heightened and this is about as far from boasting as I can get. I promise you. My eyes are super sensitive due to certain degenerative conditions in my family history and my sense of smell and hearing too, actually.
But I think where this is going, this is not about physical senses. It’s more about being emotionally sensitive.
[00:01:30]: And perhaps perception comes into play in a big way here too.
Again, as a young person, these traits can tend to be things that make you appear as weak or an easy target perhaps. But the older I get, the more that I realize that actually the opposite is true.
[00:02:25]: I’m here to say, my friend, that being sensitive makes you stronger.
And bringing it back to the world of makeup, it can help you be a better makeup artist, too.
So why is this? Well, sensitivity often comes with a heightened sense of empathy. When you’re sensitive to other people’s feelings, you’re more likely to understand their perspectives or at least appreciate them. This ability to empathize allows you to form stronger relationships and create a supportive network around you. And being sensitive can mean being more in tune with your own emotions and those of others.
This heightened awareness can hopefully enable a sense of better self-regulation. Right? Because you’re aware of things, you have this ability to recognize certain things in yourself and others, and can help you manage your own stress and also conflicts effectively.
[00:03:24]: It can also help you to address issues before they escalate, and to take proactive steps towards resolving them.
Here’s a breakdown of a few different key points relating to sensitivity – resilience, and adaptability. So contrary to the misconception that being sensitive equates to being fragile, being sensitive can actually foster resilience. Because when you’re attuned to emotions, you can adapt more readily to change and bounce back from setbacks.
And it’s this adaptability that is a key component of resilience. Being able to acknowledge difficulties, process emotions, and find ways to move forward. Having high sensitivity can often accompany a real depth of perception and creativity. Hooray. You might notice details and nuances that many others or a vast majority of people overlook, which can lead to really innovative ideas and solutions.
[00:04:32]: This creative thinking can be a valuable asset in so many aspects of life, including problem solving and artistic pursuits.
And makeup artistry is the absolute perfect example of that.
Embracing sensitivity requires courage. It can evolve being open and vulnerable, and it really takes strength to express emotions properly and openly and authentically, especially in a world that often values being stoic over emotional expression. And that’s exactly the way that I was brought up as a kid, to just to endure something without acknowledging it, really.
So it’s this vulnerability that can foster deeper connections and understandings with others. Remember, being sensitive doesn’t mean that you’re weak. It means that you experience the world in a unique and nuanced way.
[00:05:28]: It’s about acknowledging and even utilizing your emotional awareness and empathy to navigate life’s challenges with strength and resilience, and definitely appreciating it in a way that in our field, it’s definitely a trait that can make you stronger, just used in the right way.
So the next time you get told that you’re sensitive or touchy or fragile or anything like that, just take it on the chin and quietly smile and say thank you.
And then walk away knowing that this is a gift. And it gives you these wonderful abilities to acknowledge things and to head off conflicts at the past and just to be more in touch with yourself and the way that you experience the world.
And I truly feel it’s a wonderful gift. So high fives to all the sensitive folks out there. I think it makes you stronger, ironically. Okay, a little different this week.
[00:06:26]: I hope you enjoyed it.
And as always, if you’re really enjoying the podcast, please feel free to copy a link to an episode and share it with a friend, a fellow makeup artist, or just someone that loves tinkering with makeup themselves.
I’m all about spreading and sharing this information and helping to educate you. So, yeah, it was interesting to do a little less literal makeup study this week, and I’ll be back soon, so thanks again for the support, and I’ll talk soon. Okay, bye.
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